We propose the Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) detector as a next generation underground water Cherenkov detector. It will serve as a far detector of a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment envisioned for the upgraded J-PARC, and as a detector capable of observing -- far beyond the sensitivity of the Super-Kamiokande (Super-K) detector -- proton decays, atmospheric neutrinos, and neutrinos from astronomical origins. The baseline design of Hyper-K is based on the highly successful Super-K, taking full advantage of a well-proven technology. "
Acceptable Use Policy
This Acceptable Use Policy applies to all members of [VoName] Virtual Organisation,
hereafter referred to as the VO, with reference to use of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI),
hereafter referred to as the Grid.
The Hyper-Kamiokande computing group owns and gives authority to this policy.
Goal and description of the VO
The Hyper-Kamiokande experiment is in the design phase at the moment. We expect that the experiment will start data-taking not earlier than 2023. We expect that the current VO will be mainly used for MC simulation and some testbeam data analysis up to then, and after then both for MC and data production. In the short term future then the VO will be mainly used for MC production to define the design of the experiment.
Members and Managers of the VO agree to be bound by the Grid Acceptable Usage Rules, VO Security Policy and other relevant Grid Policies, and to use the Grid only in the furtherance of the stated goal of the VO.