The challenges of society show rising complexity and their solution process increasingly requires a holistic approach. It is necessary to provide decision makers with tools that allow long-term risk analysis, improvements or even optimization and control. One of the key technologies in this process is the use of mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation (MSO) methods, which have proven effective tools for solving many problems, e.g. realistic prediction of wind fields, solar radiation, air pollution and forest fires, prediction of climate change, improving the filtration process for drinking water treatment and optimization methods for intensity-modulated radiation therapy.
These methods are highly complex and are typically processed via the most modern tools of ICT including high performance computing and access to big data bases and usually need support of skilled experts, which often are not available, in particular in small and medium enterprises. To improve this situation, the pan-European network EU-MATHS-IN (European Service Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation) has been founded from national networks containing leading research centres of Europe with high excellence of MSO and ICT.
The objective of this VO is to provide access to the necessary services, resources and even tools for the fast prototyping, providing the service producers with the mathematical frameworks as well. The VO provides an integrated MSO application catalogue containing models, software, validation and benchmark and the MSOcloud: a user friendly cloud infrastructure for selected MSO applications and developing frameworks from the catalogue. This will reduce the ‘time-to-market’ for consultants working in the above-mentioned societal challenges.
Acceptable Use Policy
This Acceptable Use Policy applies to all members of mathematical-software Virtual Organisation, hereafter referred to as the mathematical-software, with reference to use of the EGI Infrastructure.
Goal and description of the mathematical-software VO:
The objective of this VO is to provide access to the necessary services, resources and even tools for the fast prototyping, providing the service producers with the mathematical frameworks as well. The VO provides an integrated MSO application catalogue containing models, software, validation and benchmark and the MSOcloud: a user friendly cloud infrastructure for selected MSO applications and developing frameworks from the catalogue.
Members and Managers of the VO agree to be bound by the EGI Acceptable Use Policy [1], EGI Security Policies [2] and other relevant EGI Policies, and to use the Infrastructure only in the furtherance of the stated goal of the VO.
An excerpts from EGI Acceptable Use Policy
By registering as a user you declare that you have read, understood and will abide by the following conditions of use:
1. You shall only use the resources/services to perform work, or transmit or store data consistent with the stated goals, policies and conditions of use as defined by the body or bodies granting you access.
2. You shall provide appropriate acknowledgement of support or citation for your use of the resources/services provided as required by the body or bodies granting you access.
3. You shall not use the resources/services for any purpose that is unlawful and not (attempt to) breach or circumvent any administrative or security controls.
4. You shall respect intellectual property and confidentiality agreements.
5. You shall protect your access credentials (e.g. private keys or passwords).
6. You shall keep all your registered information correct and up to date.
7. You shall immediately report any known or suspected security breach or misuse of the resources/services or access credentials to the specified incident reporting locations and to the relevant credential issuing authorities.
8. You use the resources/services at your own risk. There is no guarantee that the resources/services will be available at any time or that their integrity or confidentiality will be preserved or that they will suit any purpose.
9. You agree that logged information, including personal data provided by you for registration purposes, may be used for administrative, operational, accounting, monitoring and security purposes. You agree that this logged information may be disclosed to other authorised participants via secured mechanisms, only for the same purposes and only as far as necessary to provide the services.
10. You agree that the body or bodies granting you access and resource/service providers are entitled to regulate, suspend or terminate your access without prior notice and without compensation, within their domain of authority, and you shall immediately comply with their instructions.
11. You are liable for the consequences of your violation of any of these conditions of use, which may include but are not limited to the reporting of your violation to your home institute and, if the activities are thought to be illegal, to appropriate law enforcement agencies.
[1] Acceptable Use Policy and Conditions of Use.
[2] EGI Approved Security Policies.