LifeWatch is an European research infrastructure in development.
Users may benefit from integrated access to a variety of data, analytical and modeling tools as served by a variety of collaborating initiatives. Another service is offered with data and tools in selected workflows for specific scientific communities. In addition, LifeWatch will provide opportunities to construct personalized ‘virtual labs', also allowing to enter new data and analytical tools.
Lifewatch VO aims to join scientist from diferent countries involved in Lifewatch infrastructures in order to take advantage of EGI resource.
Acceptable Use Policy
This Acceptable Use Policy applies to all members of Lifewatch Virtual Organisation,
hereafter referred to as the VO, with reference to use of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI),
hereafter referred to as the Grid.
Lifewatch owns and gives authority to this policy.
Goal and description of the lifewatch VO
- Lifewatch VO aims to obtain, analyze and share data from different sources and research infrastructures.
- Generate data from other data sources and research infrastructures applying models and other types of analysis methods.
- Developing discovery and data obtain methods.
Members and Managers of the VO agree to be bound by the Grid Acceptable Usage Rules, VO Security Policy and other relevant Grid Policies, and to use the Grid only in the furtherance of the stated goal of the VO.