HTTP/1.0 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache, private Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 06:50:22 GMT VAPOR

Site Help

VAPOR complies with the GLUE 2 schema specification. Information is aggregated from several top BDII objects and from the GOCDB.

Additional help is provided in each page of the VAPOR module.

Pages of the section Job Monitoring & Data Management requires the selection of a VO.

  Resources Overview

Overview Resources Pages provides several tools to see Glue2 information :

  • Map
  • Table
  • Distribution
  • Figures
  • Bdii browser
Currents permalinks with filters availables :

  Resources Explorer

Resources Explorer Pages provides detailed information about resources that support a site or a VO :

  • Computing Elements
  • Storage Elements
  • Faulty resources
  • Cloud resources

  Data Management

  • SE Scan operations and reports :
    • identify heavily loaded Storage Elements
    • identify heavily users on those SE
  • Dark data and lost files history  :
    • Track dark data, i.e. files stored on SEs but no longer registered in the file catalog. Optionally, the dark data files can be automatically deleted from the SE.
    • Track lost files, i.e. files registered in the file catalog but with no more physical replicate.

  Job Monitoring

Job Monitoring Pages provides detailed information about :

  • Monitoring jobs (by Tab and Graph)
    • retrieve results of the monitoring jobs submitted by VAPOR to each CREAM CE queue 4 time(s) a day, during the period selected.
  • Running and Waiting Job Ratio
    • Reports the evolution of the number of running jobs (R) and waiting jobs (W), over the selected period of time, for the VO
  • List of CEs « working fine » at the moment